Here’s a headline you don’t want to miss, from January 18, 2007:
More from the Arab Planning Institute:
Currently, an estimated 2 million Egyptians are out of work. The overall unemployment measures, high as they are, do not sufficiently reflect the extent of labor market pressures in Egypt, and in particular the socio-economic problems of high youth unemployment and widespread underemployment…
The unemployment problem in Egypt is more related to labor market insertion (finding the first job) than getting back on the job ladder.4 It is more about the educated youth than the illiterate, unskilled middle age workers. The problem is particularly acute among women and is worse in the urban areas…
According to the 2005 Labor Force Sample Survey compiled by CAPMAS,5 92% of all those unemployed were below the age of 30.
That was before the global economic crisis.
Also, this: Forget Twitter and Facebook; this is a satellite TV revolution.